FAQ: Major Takeaways from the Smart Move Seminar

1. What was the purpose of the Smart Move Seminar?

The Smart Move Seminar aimed to provide a condensed snapshot of the building’s value, forecast the spring market based on economic factors, and offer insights into legal and financing strategies for preparing homes for sale. It was an informative session for residents to understand their property values in comparison to others and learn about market trends and strategic selling points.

2. Who were the key speakers, and what topics did they cover?

The seminar featured a team of experts, including a broker with over 50 years combined industry experience, Elise, who discussed the art of financing, and Danielle, who talked about legal strategies and the costs associated with buying and selling properties. Coupled with my brokerage data and full time analysis of the real estate market, 2024 election year changes, and inventory insight we offered a comprehensive review of how 220 Riverside Blvd compares in our neighborhood.

3. How has the market changed from 2020 to now?

The seminar highlighted that the market experienced a pendulum of demand over the last four years, with significant changes during the pandemic, including low demand due to lockdowns and a subsequent recovery phase where demand existed, and buyers were looking for deals. The demographic of buyers has also shifted, with a notable increase in unmarried Gen Z renters.

4. What are the current economic conditions and their impact on the housing market?

Economic conditions, including the effects of stimulus spending and fluctuations in interest rates, were discussed. The seminar pointed out the resilience of the economy despite challenges and the anticipation of interest rates dropping more towards the middle of the year as inflation settles.

5. What are some considerations for buyers and sellers in the current market?

For buyers, understanding closing costs, including mansion tax and mortgage recording taxes, is crucial. Sellers should be aware of the commissions and how a broker can add value to the selling process. Not all “discount brokerages” can service high end condo sales. The resources such as Compass’s interest free concierge program loans that help prepare a home for sale, transaction data, and the network of being the #1 Brokerage in Manhattan all bring intrinsic value to helping me sell your home in the city. Both buyers and sellers need to consider the impact of interest rates and market trends when making decisions.

6. How does the location and history of the building factor into its value?

The seminar emphasized the prime location of the building on Riverside Blvd and its historical significance, contributing to its desirability. The rich history and strategic location, coupled with community-building efforts, make it a valuable investment. There has been a rebranding since the removal of TRUMP’s name on the buildings, and currently the structures are getting attention due to the generous floor plans of most apartments.

7. What are some financing strategies for potential buyers?

Elise discussed various financing options, including the importance of getting the pre-approved for a mortgage and understanding different mortgage products. Innovative strategies like points buy-downs were also covered, allowing buyers to secure lower interest rates potentially.

7. What are some financing strategies for potential Sellers?

Understanding if our building is deemed warrantable or unwarrantable based on it’s Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, renovation plans, and audited financials can all  affect your property’s marketability. Also strategies like a CEMA or rate buydowns can help preserve property values while appealing to buyers who have leverage in negotiations. 

8. How do legal considerations impact the buying and selling process?

Danielle highlighted the role of a real estate attorney in navigating the transaction process, from offer acceptance to closing. She stressed the importance of due diligence, reviewing financials, and understanding the implications of assessments and common charge increases.

9. What are the future challenges and opportunities in the real estate market?

The seminar addressed potential challenges, such as the impact of interest rates and economic conditions on the market. However, it also pointed to opportunities, including the strategic increase in property value and the role of comprehensive market analysis in making informed decisions. Inventory being at a low level can certainly aid in Spring 2024 sales.

10. What are some key strategies for sellers to consider in 2024?

Sellers were encouraged to understand their building’s financial health, market trends, and legal considerations. Strategic pricing, leveraging market analysis, and understanding buyer demographics were also discussed as crucial strategies for successfully selling properties in the future market.


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